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Does the platform allow for re-selling?

You may resell your wiNeFT in our marketplace. To list your wiNeFT, please click on your wiNeFT wallet under your account. Click on the wine that you wish to list on the marketplace. From there, you may select to list on the marketplace. Choose your

Is it possible for a wiNeFT owner to re-sell it at a lower or higher cost than the initial drop’s price?

Yes, you are able to choose your own listing price.

How can wiNeFT owner decide a relevant selling pricing?

Customers may evaluate fair market prices by researching prices online, with consideration to the influence of VAT and variation on vintages. When setting your price, please bear in mind that a percentage of the sale will be allocated for WineChain f

Can the wiNeFTs be sold or showcased on other platforms (Liv-Ex, Wine searcher, OpenSea, etc.)?

Not currently, although in the future we are exploring partnerships with other platforms in the future, including wine, NFT, and crypto exchange platforms. We only offer resale on the WineChain platform to protect the link between the NFT and the phy

What happens to my storage when I sell or buy a wiNeFT on the marketplace?

Each wiNeFT has a storage period that will be transferred along with the ownership of the NFT. Once that storage period is over, the current owner of the wiNeFT can choose to ship the wine or pay for a new storage plan.

How can I unlist my marketplace listings?

To unlist your wiNeFT, please click on your wiNeFT wallet under your account. Click on the wine and click unlist. From there, confirm your choice. The listing will then be removed.

How long are my marketplace listings valid for?

Marketplace listings are valid for six months or until the wiNeFT is purchased.

How can I check if my wiNeFT purchase was successful?

Your purchase will be visible in your WineChain wallet, which is located in your account section. You can also enter your wallet address into Polyscan to view your transaction history: To find your wallet address, visit your acc